The documentary Scream, Queen!: My Nightmare on Elm Street has been named one of the Top 25 Films of 2019 by entertainment magazine Consequence of Sound. The film, by directors Roman Chimienti and Tyler Jensen, explores the curious queer afterlife of Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985), considered by many to “the gayest horror film ever made.” In 2016, Dr. Scahill was interviewed and his Horror Cinema class filmed for inclusion in the documentary. Today, the documentary has received widespread praise, winning the Dorian Award for Best Documentary.
Of the documentary, Consequence says "Presented as a tell-all reckoning with the tongue-in-cheek tagline, 'The Claws Are Out,' Scream, Queen! becomes a poignant but uplifting journey to forgiveness and self-acceptance. It’s a love letter to an important film in the horror genre and its all-but-forgotten star that beautifully shows the empowerment and reassurance onscreen representation can bring.”